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Butt and Leg Home Workout 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
Intense Butt and Leg home WorkoutSculpt and tone your butt and legs with this great workoutroutine you can do at home or at the gym and you don't need anyequipment, just your own body weight. Shape your butt with theseexercises designed to target your glutes and thighs for theultimate quick toning workout so you get the best bootypossible!A big butt is sexy, feminine, it’s a major turn-on and is alwaysin season.If you're determined about shaping your butt and toning yourlegs, try this glutes and legs focused workout, do this routine 3times a week and you’ll be amazed with the results.
Tight Booty Workout at Home 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
To tighten your butt, you have to buildmuscle. Building new lean muscle will help develop glutes with anatural well-rounded shape.Get your booty into shape with these incredibly easy exercisesto tone your glutes. This quick workout routine will tone, tighten,and firm your butt from every angle.The key to a tight butt is introducing new exercises that toneevery inch of your glutes. This Exercises target all the muscles inyour glutes and hamstrings to give you a fitter, firmer butt.Get ready to look sexier in those jeans or at the beach, just dothis exercises 3 times a week and you’ll be surprised with theresults.
Butt Workout Plan, Day 3 of 5 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Here’s day 3 of our week butt workout plan toget you a more lifted, rounder, and sexier buttocks and hotathletic thighs.A strong, toned butt doesn't just look sexy. It also improvesyour athletic performance in countless ways. This simple andeffective butt workout plan has been developed to fit into yourlifestyle in just 10 minutes per day!This is day 3 of this 5 days butt workout plan. You'll get sexyathletic legs and a nice round butt. Just Follow along with all thedetailed instructions for a great lower body workout. There will bea different workout for each day so make sure you follow along withall the detailed instructions and you will see amazing results.
Booty Building Workout
CrisOleo Apps
Booty Building WorkoutA big butt is sexy, feminine, it’s a major turn-on and it’s alwaysin season.Want a sexy and rounded butt? Strong sexy thighs? Just do thisbuttocks and legs workout. Sculpt your butt with these exercisesdesigned to grow your buttocks quickly.If you're determined to tone your buttocks and legs, put thisworkout into practice. For best results do this exercise routine 3times a week. This butt exercises works all the muscles in yourbuttocks so effectively that they get in shape in the shortest timepossible.Take the opportunity with this exercise routine and get the sexybody and beautiful butt you want.
Squat Tutorial 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Shape your booty and get strong legs with thissquat tutorialBasic bodyweight squats are one of the best exercises you can doto get a nice round buttocks and sexy legs.Squats are sometimes referred to as the king of all exercises, andwith good reason; they are a full-body exercise that work thethighs, hips, glutes, quads, and hamstrings, and strengthen thecore. If you want to shape your butt, lose weight, burn fat, andperfect legs, you have to learn the correct way to do squats.In this tutorial, an expert trainer and female fitness modelwill show you the correct way to do squats using your bodyweight.Become a body weight squat pro, and you'll be on your way toshape your booty, tone your legs, and get glutes that salute; justfollow the instructions in this tutorial.
Rounder Butt Workout 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
A round butt is sexy, feminine, it’s a major turn-on and it’salways in season. Want a gorgeous body? Round sexy buttocks? Givepriority to shape your glutes and your entire body will lookamazing. Just do this amazing workout and sculpt your butt withthese exercises designed to shape your buttocks. If you'redetermined to shape your butt and legs, put this workout intopractice. For best results do this exercise routine 3 times a week.These exercises works all the muscles in your glutes so effectivelythat they get in shape in the shortest time possible. Take theopportunity with this exercise routine and get the sexy body andbeautiful butt you want.
Butt Workout Plan, Day 2 of 5 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Here’s day 2 of our week butt workout plan toget you a more lifted, rounder, and sexier buttocks and hotathletic thighs.A strong, toned butt doesn't just look sexy. It also improvesyour athletic performance in countless ways. This simple andeffective butt workout plan has been developed to fit into yourlifestyle in just 10 minutes per day!This is day 2 of this 5 days butt workout plan. You'll get sexyathletic legs and a nice round butt. Just Follow along with all thedetailed instructions for a great lower body workout. There will bea different workout for each day so make sure you do them and youwill see amazing results.
Intense Leg and Butt Workout 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Lift your butt and tone your legs with thisgreat workout routine you can do at home or at the gym and youdon't need any equipment, just your own body weight. Sculpt yourbutt with these exercises designed to target your glutes and thighsfor the ultimate quick toning workout so you get the best bootypossible!This intense workout is quick and effective for developingstrong legs and a tight butt—and you don't even have to leave yourliving room!This intense workout was designed as an excellent way to workyour legs and butt. Start with a quick warm-up, like jumping jacks,then get into the workout. Feel free to stop when you need to catchyour breath. This at-home exercises will help tone your butt andgive you athletic, sexy looking legs.If you're determined about getting a sexy body, try this amazingworkout and you’ll be amazed with the results.
Butt Workout plan, Day 4 of 5 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Here’s day 4 of our week butt workout plan toget you a more lifted, rounder, and sexier glutes and hot athleticthighs.A strong, toned butt doesn't just look sexy. It also improvesyour athletic performance in countless ways. This simple andeffective butt workout plan has been developed to fit into yourlifestyle in just 10 minutes per day!This is day 4 of this 5 days butt workout plan. You'll get sexyathletic legs and a nice round butt. Just Follow along with all thedetailed instructions for a great lower body workout. There will bea different workout for each day so make sure you do them and youwill be amazed with the results.
Easy Butt and Leg workout 1.4
CrisOleo Apps
Easy Butt and Leg workoutLift your butt and tone your legs with this great workoutroutine you can do at home or at the gym and you don't need anyequipment, just your own body weight. Tone your booty with theseexercises designed to work your glutes and thighs for the ultimatequick toning workout so you get the best booty possible!This exercise routine is designed as an easy way to work yourlegs and buttocks. Start with a quick warm-up, like jumping jacks,then get into the workout. Feel free to stop when you need torecover. This easy at-home exercises will help tone your buttocksand give you athletic, sexy looking legs.If you're determined about toning your butt, try this easy buttand legs workout and you’ll be amazed with the results.
Butt Workout Plan, Day 1 of 5 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
It's time to reshape your booty!! In thistutorial we’ve compiled our best butt workouts and exercises tohelp you get a rounder, firmer, and larger glutes.This is day 1 of this 5 days butt workout plan to get you a morelifted and sexier glutes and hot athletic thighs.A strong, toned butt doesn't just look sexy. It also improves yourathletic performance in countless ways. This simple and effectivebutt workout plan has been designed to fit into your lifestyle injust 10 minutes per day!This is day 1 of this 5 days butt Workout Plan. You'll get sexyathletic legs and a nice round glutes. Just Follow along with allthe detailed instructions for a great lower body workout. Therewill be a different glutes workout for each day so make sure youfollow along with all the detailed instructions and you’ll seeamazing results.
5-Minute Workout at Beach 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Want to look better in your bikini without leaving the beach to hitthe gym? You burn almost twice as many calories working out on thesand as you would doing the same routine on a firmer surface. Thisbeach abs workout is going to help you burn more calories than yourregular gym workout! Instead of lazing on the sand, try thisworkout to burn fat fast. You can cool off in the ocean when you’redone. Give this beach abs workout a try. This routine will show youa few exercises to get great abs that will look hot in your bikini.This 5 minute abs workout is an efficient way to melt belly fat, toshow your six pack abs and lean waist, improve core strength, anduncover your carved stomach.
Green Smoothie to Lose Weight 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Green Smoothie for Weight Loss The latest craze to arrive was thatof green smoothies for weight loss, famous around the world havenot hesitated to prove its miraculous effects, and claim thatbesides losing weight detoxify and purify the body. Green smoothiesare a rich source of vitamins and minerals that help you loseweight and burn fat naturally, besides being an easy way toincorporate fruits and vegetables required on a diet to loseweight. If your goal is to lose weight incorporate this excellentgreen smoothie in your daily diet and lose weight effectively andnaturally. This is a quick, safe and effective way to lose weightwithout having to starve. The green smoothie that we present isvery effective for their properties to burn fat and lose weightnaturally.
Yoga for Improved Flexibility 1.3
CrisOleo Apps
Yoga for Improved Flexibility If you ask people why they exercise,most will say to stay healthy, keep fit, or because it makes themfeel good. Not many will mention flexibility as a goal. Flexibilityexercises are a key part of maintaining your health and avoidinginjury, especially as you age. The stretching you do in yoga is anexcellent way to improve your flexibility. It's a commonly heldmisconception that you have to already be flexible to do yoga. Infact, the opposite is true: doing yoga regularly is a sure way tobecome more flexible. If that's your goal, here are some poses thattarget major muscles groups that tend to get tight from sitting forlong periods or even from other types of exercise, like running.Staying in the poses for several minutes is the way to get a goodstretch. Don't expect overnight changes, however. For best results,do these stretches daily. The following poses are intended to giveyou some options to fit your current level of flexibility.
Exercises for a Flat Stomach 1.4
CrisOleo Apps
Exercises for a Flat Stomach Want to burn the extra fat surroundingyour belly and get a sexy flat stomach? You don’t have to enroll inexpensive gyms, we’ll show you seven easy exercises you can doevery day to get your flat belly. These are a combination of thebest exercises to help you work on the abdominal area and tone itbetter. Do this workout regularly to see a flatter tummy. If youreally want to tighten up your stomach then this is the workout foryou. This tutorial includes the most efficient exercises to helpyou get a flatter belly within weeks. For best results follow thedetail instructions in the tutorial, practice this workout at leastfour times a week and you will be amazed with the results.
Lower Abs Workout 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
10 mins Intense Abs Workout This intense abs workout is anexcellent exercise routine you can do at home or at the gym and youdon't need any equipment, just your own body weight. Sculpt yourstomach with these exercises designed to work your lower abs. Thisten minutes workout to burn fat has been designed for the lowerabdominal area; this is the toughest area of the abs to tone, butfollow the detailed instructions in this tutorial and you willlearn how to burn the unwanted fat in your lower stomach. In justten minutes you will be feeling the burn. If you're determined toflatten your stomach, practice this intense abs workout at leastfour times a week, you’ll be amazed with the results.
Bikini Body 1, Butt and Legs 1.3
CrisOleo Apps
Bikini body week one, butt and legsThis bikini body challenge is a thirty days workout series togive you the unique opportunity to transform your body in realtime.This 30 days bikini body challenge is a step in the rightdirection towards the body of your dreams! This is the perfectopportunity to use this 30 days not only to do exercise but tobuild a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits. Once you starteating well and exercising, you REALLY start to see thebenefits!The 30 day bikini body challenge is not just for summer, it cangive you fantastic results all year round as it is a great totalbody workout. It combines two different exercise tutorials perweek, so its eight workouts in total. To complete some of theworkouts you will need ankle weights and a resistant band.This is the first workout of this series designed to sculpt theperfect bikini figure. This is a weight-optional workout, so useweight for the non-jumping exercises if you'd like. Repeat thewhole workout two or three times for best results.Here's your schedule for week 1:Monday: Buttocks and Legs (this tutorial)Tuesday: rest dayWednesday: Buttocks and Legs (this tutorial)Thursday: Abdominal Workout (next tutorial)Friday: cardio day (at least 30 minutes of cardio)Saturday: Buttocks/Legs + Abs workoutSunday: rest dayAnd get ready for the week 2 workouts!You don't have to start on a Monday, but try to follow thissequence.
Drink to lose Belly Fat 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
Diet Drink to lose Belly Fat Get a flat belly without exercise.Lose weight and detoxify your body with this natural diet drink.This easy recipe will not only help you get a flat belly and gethydrated, it will also help you flush out toxins, burn fat and loseweight fast. Please remember, any kind of store-bought appetitesuppressant can be dangerous and may not necessarily help you withyour weight loss goals. There are so many weight loss recipes outthere it can be very misleading. A healthy diet, exercise andself-control are key factors to successful weight loss and forgetting a flat belly. Please make sure you use filtered water toget the full benefits. Let’s look at the ingredients in this flatbelly recipe: Ingredients:- 1. Two to Three Garlic Cloves. 2. Lukewarm water. 3. Honey. 4. Freshly sliced Lemon. Method ofPreparation:-- 1. Squeeze freshly cut lemon into like warm waterafter taking seeds and mix Honey to it. 2. Chew Garlic Cloves firstand then take this Mixture. 3. Or Blend the garlic cloves with thismixture and Drink daily on Empty stomach. Tip to lose fat Fast: -Drink at least two to three liters of water to loose unwanted fat.
Round Butt Workout 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
Want a gorgeous body? Round sexy buttocks? Give priority to shapeand round your glutes and your entire body will look amazing. Justdo this round butt workout and sculpt your buttocks with theseexercises designed to shape your derriere. If you're determined toshape your butt and legs, put this workout into practice. For bestresults do this exercise routine three times a week. Theseexercises works all the muscles in your glutes so effectively thatthey get in shape in the shortest time possible. Take theopportunity with this exercise routine and get the sexy body andbeautiful round butt you've always wanted.
Best Muscle Building Foods 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
For many of us, gaining muscle may conjure up images of countlesshours in the gym, but diet doesn't come to mind. Your body needscalories and nourishment to feed growing muscle mass and to adjustto varying amounts of activity. There are hundreds of differentfoods that can help build lean body mass. But what if you had topick only ten foods that you could eat for the rest of your life?In that case, you’d want foods that could help cover many differentnutritional needs so that you did not lose any precious muscle.Among those needs: • Protein to help build and repair muscle andother tissues • Fats to encourage proper hormones and reduceinflammation • Phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals to supportgeneral health • Overall nutrient dense calories to providesufficient energy Before making sudden changes in your lifestyle,though, you may want to consult with a physician, personal trainer,and dietitian. In this presentation you'll see the best bodybuilding foods, if you're into building lean body mass don't missthese 10 best body building foods in your diet!!
Stretches for Flexibility 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
Stretches to improve flexibility Stretching, though oftenoverlooked, plays a vital role in keeping muscles and joints strongand pliable so they are less susceptible to injury. That's why it’ssuch an important part of warming up before physical activity andcooling down after. Spending a few minutes a day doing slow,deliberate stretches can also help you manage stress moreeffectively giving you a chance to momentarily shut off outsidestress, and focus, physically and mentally, on your activity. Agood stretching routine should work each of the major musclegroups, and needn't take long. Five to 10 minutes is all you need.In this video, we share the basic stretches to increase flexibilityin the legs, hips and back. This is great to help with the splitsand is perfect for dancers.
Belly Fat Burner Workout 1.4
CrisOleo Apps
Belly Fat Burner Workout Do you want to have a flat belly and alean waist? Then try these abdominal exercises in your nextworkout. This excellent nine minutes exercise routine will help toburn your belly fat fast. You will learn the best abs workouts toget you ripped and toned in weeks. Our goal is to get you to lookgreat in a bathing suit, so what are you waiting for, download ourfree app today and start learning how to reduce your belly fatfast! This 9 minutes workout is an efficient way to reduceabdominal fat, to show your lean waist, improve core strength, anduncover your six pack abs. For best results, tack these exercisesonto the end of your regular workout routine or do them as aseparate workout three to five days per week. To burn belly fatfast, besides making this workout routine, it’s essential to followa healthy fat free diet, you’ll be amazed with the results.
Shakes to Lose Weight 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Home made shakes for weight loss One of the best ways to loseweight is by taking shakes to burn harmful fats and thus loseweight. The shakes for weight loss are a quick, refreshing andhealthy diet choice. Its nourishing and purifying components arekeys to losing both inches and kilos; their high water content helpthe body hydrate and the vitamins and nutrients help to keep goodhealth. The homemade shakes that we present today are delicious,easy to make and can help you lose those extra kilos, the key is toreplace some meals like breakfast or dinner with this specialshakes for weight loss in this presentation.
Health Benefits of Turmeric 1.3
CrisOleo Apps
Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement inexistence. Many high quality studies show that it has majorbenefits for your body and brain. It is the spice that gives curryits yellow color. It has been used in India for thousands of yearsas a spice and medicinal herb. Recently, science has started todiscover what the Indians have known for a long time… it reallydoes contain compounds with medicinal properties. These compoundsare called curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin.Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerfulanti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is arguably themost powerful herb on the planet at fighting and reversing disease.It has so many healing properties that currently there have been6,235 revised articles published proving the benefits of turmericand one of its renowned healing compounds, curcumin. This putsturmeric on top of the list as one of the most frequently mentionedmedicinal herbs in science and the next most popular studied herbsinclude garlic, cinnamon, ginseng and ginger. Out of more than 6000studies referencing curcumin, the most interesting finding is thatwhen turmeric is compared to conventional medicine its benefitsequal that of many pharmaceutical medications. In fact, a number ofstudies have even reported that using curcumin is more advantageousthan certain prescription drugs. Some of the most amazingdemonstrated properties include: • Destroying Multi-Drug ResistantCancer • Destroying Cancer Stem Cells (arguably, the root of allcancer) • Protecting Against Radiation-Induced Damage • ReducingUnhealthy Levels of Inflammation • Protecting Against Heavy MetalToxicity • Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer's Disease AssociatedPathologies Download this app and take advantage of theevidence-based top health benefits of nature’s most effectivenutritional supplement.
Intense Abs Exercises 1.3
CrisOleo Apps
Intense abs exercises Do you want a flat abs and sexy, slim waist?If you want to flatten your stomach and get a smaller midsectiontry these abdominal exercises in your next workout. This fifteenminutes exercise routine will help to burn your belly fat fast.It's time to reshape your stomach!! with this tutorial you willlearn the best exercises to tone your abs in weeks. Our goal is toget you look great in a bathing suit, so what are you waiting for,download our free app today and start learning how to reduce yourbelly fat fast. This workout is an efficient way to reduce bellyfat, to show your lean waist and improve core strength, and uncoveryour sexy abs. For best results, do these exercises at the end ofyour regular workout routine or practice them as a separate workoutthree to five days per week. Remember, to reduce belly fat fast,besides making this workout routine, it’s essential to follow ahealthy diet, totally fat free and you’ll be amazed with theresults.
Intense Abs Workout 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
It's time to reshape your stomach!! It's easier than you think!This killer abs workout will flatten your stomach in just a fewweeks with these proven exercises designed to work all majorabdominal muscles. Spending just ten minutes a day with this killerabs workout you’ll get a flat, buff stomach and strengthen yourcore. In this intense workout tutorial we utilize some of the mostchallenging abdominal exercises that either isolate the abs orprimarily target the mid-section while also engaging a number ofother muscle groups in the body. This combination of movements isdesigned to not only fatigue your abdominal but also strengthenyour core muscles to improve definition as well as train thestomach muscles to stay contracted even when not in use. If youwant to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles this is exactlythe workout you need. Do this abs workout routine four times a weekand you’ll see amazing results.
Best Foods To Lose Weight 1.0
CrisOleo Apps
Fat Burning vegetables to boost your energy and lose weight Whetheryou want to lose weight or improve your health, integrating fatburning foods into your diet can give you a jump start on achievingyour goals. Sometimes only little chances are necessary to boostyour metabolism, if you choose foods to gain energy like some kindof vegetables. You don´t even have to count calories, I hatecalorie-counting too! If you are really serious to get an amazingbody now you have to check out this tips. Everybody knows thatvegetables are healthy food to lose weight. But even with veggiesyou have to choose the right ones. Improve your long-term weightloss, health, and lifestyle with these food to lose weight. No needto eat raw veggies, just steam, grill, or bake fat free.Incorporate this nutrition tips in a fat free diet and you’ll beamazed with the results.
Amazing Abs Exercises 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
Amazing Abs Exercises Want a Sexy Stomach? A Lean Waist? StrongCore? Six Pack Abs? Then give these abdominal exercises a try inyour next workout. To do this exercises properly just findsomething that slides like cardboard or a cloth. You already haveabs. You just need to uncover them! Your abdominals are just hiddenunder a thin layer of fat. To reveal your defined midsection, youmay need to change your definition of an abs workout. This 5 minuteworkout is an efficient way to melt belly fat, to show your sixpack abs and lean waist, improve core strength, and uncover yourcarved stomach. For best results, tack these exercises onto the endof your regular workout routine or do them as a separate workoutthree to five days per week.
Bikini Body 2, Abs and Waist 1.4
CrisOleo Apps
Bikini Body 2, Abs and Waist This bikini body challenge is a thirtydays workout series to give you the unique opportunity to transformyour body in real time. This 30 days bikini body challenge is astep in the right direction towards the body of your dreams! Thisis the perfect opportunity to use this 30 days not only to doexercise but to build a healthy lifestyle and healthy eatinghabits. Once you start eating well and exercising, you REALLY startto see the benefits! The 30 day bikini body challenge is not justfor summer, it can give you fantastic results all year round as itis a great total body workout. It combines two different exercisetutorials per week, so it’s eight in total. To complete some of theexercises you will need ankle weights and a resistant band. This isthe second workout of this series designed to sculpt the perfectbikini figure. This is a weight-optional routine, so use weight forthe non-jumping exercises if you'd like. Repeat the whole workouttwo or three times for best results. Here's your schedule for week1: Monday: Buttocks and Legs (previous) Tuesday: rest dayWednesday: Buttocks and Legs (previous) Thursday: Abs and waistworkout (this tutorial) Friday: cardio day (at least 30 minutes ofcardio) Saturday: Buttocks/Legs + Abs Sunday: rest day And getready for the week 2! You don't have to start on a Monday, but tryto follow this sequence.
Bikini Body 3, Booty Workout 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
The bikini body challenge is a thirty days workout series to giveyou the unique opportunity to transform your body in real time.This is the third workout of the challenge. These exercises workyour glutes and help make them bigger, rounder, and more lifted.You should use weight to better work your muscles. The instructorin the tutorial uses ten pounds ankle weights. This bikini bodychallenge is a step in the right direction towards the body of yourdreams! This is the perfect opportunity to use this 30 days notonly to do exercise but to build a healthy lifestyle and healthyeating habits. Once you start eating well and exercising, you'llreally start to see the benefits! The 30 day bikini body challengeis not just for summer, it'll give you fantastic results all yearround as it is a great total body workout. It combines twodifferent exercise tutorials per week, so it’s eight in total. Tocomplete some of the exercises you will need ankle weights and aresistant band. Repeat the whole workout two or three times forbest results. Here's your schedule for week 2: Monday: Buttocks andLegs (this tutorial) Tuesday: rest day Wednesday: Buttocks and Legs(this tutorial) Thursday: abs and waist workout (next) Friday:cardio day (at least 30 minutes of cardio) Saturday: buttocks/legsand abs Sunday: rest day And get ready for the week 3! You don'thave to start on monday, but try to follow this sequence.
Health Benefits of Garlic 1.4
CrisOleo Apps
Eating garlic regularly is not only good for us; it has been linkedto reducing or even helping to prevent four of the major causes ofdeath worldwide, including heart disease, stroke, cancer andinfections. Garlic has been used as a medicine throughout ancientand modern history for its amazing health benefits and proveneffectiveness to prevent and treat a wide range of conditions anddiseases. Intensely aromatic and flavorful, this powerful herb isused in virtually every cuisine in the world. When eaten raw, ithas a powerful pungent flavor that matches its truly mighty healthbenefits. Garlic is particularly high in certain sulfur compoundsthat are responsible for its scent and taste, as well as its verypositive effects on human health. It is one of the most powerfuland beneficial herb on the planet with more than 5000 peer-reviewedarticles that evaluated its ability to prevent and improve a widespectrum of diseases. We believe every person on the planet shouldconsume garlic. It’s one of the best herbs to keep up your goodhealth, it’s very inexpensive and tastes absolutely fantastic. Sofind out more about the amazing benefits of garlic, uses and latestresearch on this fantastic super-food.
Benefits of Oats: Facts and Healthy Recipes 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
Eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is a very healthy waytostart the day, but do you know why? What is it that makes itsospecial, and how much of it should you eat? Unless you'reallergicto oats, there's no reason for you not to eat them. If youhaveceliac disease or a gluten allergy, you'll want to check thelabel;oats are naturally gluten-free, but many are processed in thesamefacilities wheat is, so unless a brand is certifiedgluten-free,there may be some stray gluten floating around. Oatsare wholegrains, which means they haven't been stripped of theirnutritiousbran and germ. Different processing methods will affectthe cookingtime and texture of the cooked oatmeal, but not thenutrients ofthe oats themselves, so whether they are rolled,steel-cut orinstant, they are a good source of B vitamins,minerals, andsoluble fiber and so much more! So, is oatmealactually healthy? Inshort: yes, absolutely. They’re actually one ofthe best foods outthere for heart health, thanks to its levels ofbeta-glucan (a typeof fiber that can lower your cholesterolnaturally) andavenanthramides (antioxidants that can clean theplaque from yourarteries). Oatmeal is also a great pick if you’rewatching yourweight, thanks to its combination of fiber and water,which causesit to expand in your gut like a sponge so it keeps youfeeling fullfor hours. In this app, we prepared a science-basedbreakdown withthe latest findings and health benefits of thatmorning bowl ofoatmeal. So, what are you waiting for? Download thisapp and let’sstart to reap the benefits!
Benefits of Honey 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
Discover the enormous host of honey benefits; the many floraltastesand countless health applications. The versatility of thisnectarand the goodness it can bring into your everyday practicallife isamazing. Honey has been used by countless cultures allaround theworld over the past 2,500 years. While its numeroushealth benefitshave made it an important element of traditionalmedicines such asAyurvedic treatments, scientists are alsoresearching the benefitsin relation to modern medicine,particularly in the healing ofwounds. It is known as Honig inGerman, Miele in Italian, Shahad inHindi, Miel in French andSpanish, Mel in Portuguese, мед inRussian, Honing in Dutch, andμελι in Greek; there is almost no partin the world where honey isnot widely used and celebrated as a partof the cultural diet. Butwhat makes honey so popular? Most likely,it is the ease with whichit can be consumed. One can eat itdirectly, put it on bread like ajam, mix it with juice or any drinkinstead of sugar, or mix itwith warm water, lime juice, cinnamonand other herbs to make amedicine. It is savored by all due to itstaste as well as health,making it extremely useful and versatile.Besides its profoundmedicinal applications, it also brings greathealth benefits whencombined with other foods such as bee pollen,cinnamon, ginger andcider vinegar. Download this app and discoverand take advantage ofthe versatility and amazing benefits of honey,the sweetest andhealthiest super-food on earth.
Aloe Vera Benefits 1.3
CrisOleo Apps
The incredible Aloe Vera needs no introduction. Its health andbeauty benefits are well-known, which is why it has earned apermanent place in many a household. Be it a sunburn or a bad caseof acne, this amazing herb is a treatment you can always rely on.But, did you know that this humble plant has so much more to offer?The leaves produce two substances – the gel, which is more or lesswater with several other nutrients mixed in, and the sap, which isalso known as latex. The ‘plant of immortality’, as it was calledby Egyptians, also known as ‘Ghritkumari’ in Hindi, ‘Kalabanda’ inTelugu, ‘Katralai’ in Tamil, ‘Kumari’ in Malayalam, ‘Lolisara’ inKannada, ‘Koraphada’ in Marathi, and ‘Ghrtakumari’ in Bengali canperform miracles not just for your skin, but for your hair andhealth as well. Aloe Vera Benefits: For the Skin; Its soap and gelcome loaded with several nutrients like glycerin, sodium palmate,sodium carbonate, sodium palm kemelate, sorbitol, etc. These aregood for the skin and nourish your skin from within, giving you theskin that glows with health. 1. Prevents Premature Signs of AgingWrinkles and fine lines are bound to appear as you age. But, otherfactors may expedite what is a natural process. Aloe Vera helps inpreventing these early signs of aging. 2. Moisturizes Skin Its gelhas been touted by many as their go-to moisturizer. It has shownmiraculous effects on oily and acne-prone skin. 3. Reduces Acne andHelps Lighten Blemishes This amazing gel can work wonders on yourskin by reducing acne and clearing the blemishes and scars that getleft behind. 4. Helps with Sunburns It is widely used as anafter-sun treatment because it is soothing and reducesinflammation. 5. Heals External Wounds and Insect Bites Why Does ItWork It is anti-inflammatory, which makes it effective againstwounds and insect bites. 6. Reduces Stretch Marks 7. Promotes HairGrowth This herb is not just great for your skin; it also has anumber of benefits for your hair. 8. Reduces Dandruff It is awidely used ingredient in many commercial shampoos andconditioners. This is because it works wonders for dandruff anddandruff-related problems such as an itchy scalp. 9. Maintains pHBalance of the Scalp When the pH balance of your hair is disrupted,it can lead to endless hair problems. This incredible herb can helpmaintain the pH balance of your hair. 10. Conditions Hair It canput even the best conditioners to shame. It is moisturizing innature, and hence, strengthens your hair and adds shine. 11.Reduces Inflammation Consuming its juice can help reduceinflammation. 12. Eases Heartburn and Acid Reflux The juice hasbeen used effectively in the treatment of gastroesophageal refluxdisease (GERD). GERD causes symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain,and trouble with swallowing. 13. Reduces Cholesterol and RegulatesBlood Sugar Although it is still in its preliminary stages,research has shown that this incredible plant can help reducecholesterol. It also helps in maintaining blood sugar, which is whyit is often used as a supplement by diabetics. 14. Builds ImmunityThe intake of Aloe Vera can boost your immune system. 15. Lowersthe Risk of Cancer The impact of this incredible herb on the immunesystem is closely linked to its anti-tumor and anticancerproperties. More and more health and beauty products are beingcreated to help people consume Aloe Vera. The benefits are many,download this app to learn all that this incredible plant has tooffer.
Health Benefits of Lemons 1.3
CrisOleo Apps
Lemons are loaded with amazing health benefits. Warm lemonwaterserves as the perfect ‘good morning drink’, as it aidsthedigestive system and makes the process of eliminating thewasteproducts from the body easier. It prevents the problemofconstipation and diarrhea, by ensuring smooth bowelfunctionspaving the way for losing weight faster, thus acting as agreatweight loss remedy. Lemons are vitamin C rich citrus fruitsthatenhance your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within bringingaglow to your face. They are acidic to the taste, butarealkaline-forming in the body. In fact, they are one of themostalkaline-forming foods; this makes them great for balancingahighly acidic condition in the body. Lemon juice is packedwithmany nutrients and benefits, so it’s not only healthy as a foodbutcan also be used in many home remedies to treat numeroushealthconditions and skin disorders. The list of health benefitsand usesof lemons is impressive. Packed with all the goodness, makeit apoint to include them in your daily diet. Its cleansing andhealingproperties will have positive effects on your health in thelongrun, they are easily available at an affordable price.Downloadthis app and learn about the awesome benefits of thiscitrus fruitfor your body and your mind!
Easy Ways to Lose Weight 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
Are you ready to follow a healthy diet but not sure what foodsareokay to eat? We’ve created a comprehensive list of the bestdietplans and tips to help guide you. Dieting doesn't have tomeandepriving. However, overhauling your normal eating habits canbegood for you, especially if you're used to eating things thatmaynot be so healthy. In fact, vowing to go on a diet causes youtomake healthier lifestyle choices, which can be a good stepinmaintaining a healthy diet in the future. Then there's thebenefitsof carrying on a low-calorie diet that can prolong life.Studieshave found that following a restricted-calorie diet (onethatslashes daily calorie intake by about a third) consistentlyhelpspeople live longer and healthier lives (reduced cholesterollevels,normalized blood sugar, and a better response to stress) andalsohelps to slow the aging process. That all sounds good,right?Another reason why dieting works in a healthy lifestyle is itmakesyou pay attention to what you're putting in your body.Byunderstanding the building blocks of nutrition, like howmuchprotein and fiber you should be getting, and realizing howyourbody responds to certain foods. Reading labels is importantinmaking not only sticking to your calorie count, but that youaregetting the protein, fiber, or other nutrients that youneed.There’s a lot more to diets than just eating less, all youneed toknow is right here alongside a list of the top 10 best dietsforweight loss. Feel free to dive in and start losing weight now!
Full Body Fat Burning Workout 1.2
CrisOleo Apps
Full Body fat burning workout to lose weight If you're gettingreadyfor a fat burning program to lose weight, this full bodyworkout isa great choice to start with. Start to lose weight withthis fatburning exercises and get the lean, defined body you'vealwayswanted with this workout routine, designed to burn fat andbuildlean muscle. This full body fat burning workout routine isyour bestbet if you're looking to lose weight and burn body fatfast. You cando this fat burning workout at home to get your heartrate up andburn a bunch of calories. This routine involvesexercises likesquats, push-ups, jumping jacks, lunges, planks, andmore. Start tolose weight now!!! Give it a try!!
How To Reduce Belly Fat Fast 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
How to Reduce Belly Fat Fast Want to Reduce Belly Fat Fast? Wanttohave a Lean Waist? Then give these abdominal exercises a tryinyour next workout. We teach you the most important abs workoutstoget you ripped and toned in weeks. Our goal is to get you tolookgreat in a bathing suit, so what are you waiting for, downloadourfree app today and start learning how to reduce your bellyfatfast! This 10 minutes workout is an efficient way to reducebellyfat, to show your lean waist, improve core strength, anduncoveryour six pack abs. For best results, tack these exercisesonto theend of your regular workout routine or do them as aseparateworkout three to five days per week. To reduce belly fatfast,besides making this workout routine, it’s essential to followahealthy fat free diet, you’ll be amazed with the results.
Epsom Salt: Many Uses, Health and Beauty Benefits 1.3
CrisOleo Apps
Long known as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, Epsomsalthas numerous health benefits as well as many beauty, household,andgardening-related uses. Studies have shown that magnesiumandsulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin, makingEpsomsalt baths an easy and ideal way to enjoy the associatedhealthbenefits. Magnesium plays a number of roles in the bodyincludingregulating the activity of over 325 enzymes, reducinginflammation,helping muscle and nerve function, and helping toprevent arteryhardening. Sulfates help improve the absorption ofnutrients, flushtoxins, and help ease migraine headaches. Thewonders of Epsom salthave been well known for hundreds of yearsand, unlike other salts,has beneficial properties that can soothethe body, mind, and soul.Some of the countless health benefitsinclude relaxing the nervoussystem, curing skin problems, soothingback pain and aching limbs,easing muscle strain, healing cuts,treating colds and congestion,and drawing toxins from the body. Oneof the simplest ways to easestress and stress-related problems isto soak in a tub full of hotwater with a few cups of Epsom Salt.Dissolving magnesium sulfateheptahydrate (as scientists call it),in your bathwater helps yourbody absorb much-needed magnesium. Themineral helps your bodyboost its immune system, keep blood pressurein check, strengthenbones, regulate blood sugar, and more. Downloadthis app and startto take advantage of the many uses and benefitsof Epsom salt, foryour health, your body and more…
Awesome Benefits of Ginger 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
The Awesome Health Benefits of Ginger The medicinal uses ofgingerhave been known for at least 2000 years in differentculturesaround the world, where this awesome spice have been usedto helpcure and prevent several health problems. It is also knowntopromote energy circulation in the body and increase ourbody’smetabolic rate. Ayurveda gives this awesome root the statusof avirtual medicine chest. That’s because this wonder spicehastime-tested, digestion-friendly properties, in addition toitsnumerous other health benefits. In India, ginger is liberallyusedin daily life. Ginger-infused chai is a household favorite, anditsgrandma’s antidote of choice for battling cold, flu andvariousother health problems. Learn about the awesome healthbenefitsassociated with ginger that you may not be aware of.